Payment & Cancellation Policy

  • A 50% deposit is required at time of booking
  • Full payment is required 30 days in advance of the start date unless otherwise specified.
  • Cancellations made more than 30 days in advance of the start date are subject to a refund (less a $100 CAD administrative fee).
  • Cancellations made 30 days or less in advance of the start date result in forfeiture of the entire amount paid.
  • Any fees paid to outside services (i.e. lodging, transportation, staff, food, porters, etc.) that is not refundable to Whiteside Guiding will be deducted from any refund eligible to you.
  • We strongly recommend purchasing Medical & Trip Cancellation Insurance from an outside insurer like www.travelguard.ca.
  • Payment in Canadian funds can be made by cash, cheque, money order, e-mail transfer (Canadian banks only), or Paypal (add 3%, or 4% outside Canada/US). Click here for a currency converter.

Booking Conditions

Weather – In the event that weather or conditions do not allow for the original objectives, alternatives will be offered. When no other options are available, we will attempt to reschedule.

Fitness & Ability – Please communicate your personal fitness and experience levels as accurately as possible when booking your trip. The proposed objectives as well as the guide’s decisions in the field will be based heavily on the abilities of the individuals involved.

No refunds will be given for objectives not achieved as a result of weather, conditions or guest abilities.


A release and waiver of liability must be signed prior to participation in any of our courses or trips. You may view the waiver for all mountain trips by clicking the link  below.

The waiver will be administered to you in person prior to your outing, so you do not need to print this waiver. It is provided here so you may review it in advance. 

If you need to view/download the waiver in another language, please visit this page.
